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31 شهريور 1403 |

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دسته بندی

  • پر کاربردترین لغات انگلیسی - S

  • Sabotage: To damage or destroy as an act against an organization or nation خرابكاري عمدي Sacrifice: To do without something or to suffer a loss for a belief, idea, goal or another person قرباني کردن Sad: Not happy غمگين
  • تعداد نمایش : ۱۱۸۵
    تاریخ : 28 آذر 1390

پر کاربردترین لغات انگلیسی - S

Sabotage: To damage or destroy as an act against an organization or nation خرابكاري عمدي Sacrifice: To do without something or to suffer a loss for a belief, idea, goal or another person قرباني کردن Sad: Not happy غمگين
پر کاربردترین لغات انگلیسی -  S

 Sabotage: To damage or destroy as an act against an organization or nation
 خرابكاري عمدي
 Sacrifice: To do without something or to suffer a loss for a belief, idea, goal or another person
 قرباني کردن
 Sad: Not happy
 Safe: Away from harm or danger
 Sail: To travel by boat or ship
 با آشتي مسافرت کردن
 Sailor: A person involved in sailing a boat or ship
 Salt: A white substance found in sea water and in the ground, used to affect the taste of food
 Same: Not different. Not changed. Like another or others
 Sand: Extremely small pieces of crushed rock found in large amounts in deserts and on coasts
 Satellite: A small object in space that moves around a larger object. An object placed in orbit
 around the earth
 Satisfy: To give or provide what is desired, needed or demanded
 راضي کردن
 Science: The study of nature and the actions of natural things, and the knowledge gained about
 Security: Freedom from danger or harm. Protection. Measures necessary to protect a person or
 Seed: The part of a plant from which new plants grow
 Seeking: To search for, to try to get, to plan to do
 جستجو کردن
 Seem: To appear to be
 به نظر رسيدن
 Seize: To take quickly by force. To take control of quickly. To arrest
 گرفتن، قاپيدن، دستگير کردن
 Senate: The smaller of the two groups in the governments of some countries, such as in the united
 states congress
 Send: To cause to go. To permit to go. To cause to be carried, taken or directed to or away from a
 Sense: To come to know about by feeling, believing or understanding. Any of the abilities to see,
 hear, taste, smell or feel
 حس، حس کردن
 Sentence: To declare the punishment for a crime. The punishment for a crime
 حكم، محكوم کردن
 Separate: To set or keep people, things or ideas away from or independent from others. Not
 together or connected. Different
 جدا کردن
 Serious: Important. Needing careful consideration. Dangerous
 Serve: To work as an official. To be employed by the government. To assist or help
 خدمت کردن
 Set: To put in place or position. To establish a time, price or limit
 گذاشتن، چيدن
 Settle: To end a dispute. To agree about a problem. To make a home in a new place
 به بحثي خاتمه دادن، سر و سامان گرفتن، ساکن کردن
 Several: Three or more, but not many
 Severe: Not gentle. Causing much pain, sadness or damage
 سخت، شديد
 Shake: To move or cause to move in short, quick movements
 تكان دادن
 Shape: To give form to. The form of something, especially how it looks
 شكل، شكل دادن
 Share: To give part of something to another or others. A part belonging to, given to or owned by a
 single person or a group.
 شريك کردن، سهم
 Sharp: Having a thin edge or small point that can cut or hurt. Causing hurt or pain
 Sheep: A farm animal used for its meat and hair
 Shell: To fire artillery. A metal container that is fired from a large gun and explodes when it
 reaches its target. A hard outside cover
 پوکه، توپ شليك کردن
 Shelter: To protect or give protection to. Something that gives protection. A place of safety
 Shine: To aim a light. To give bright light. To be bright. To clean to make bright
 تابيدن، درخشيدن، براق کردن
 Ship: To transport. A large boat
 آشتي، حمل کردن
 Shoe: A covering for the foot
 Shoot: To cause a gun or other weapon to send out an object designed to kill. To use a gun
 تيراندازي کردن، تير زدن
 Short: Lasting only for a small period of time. Not long. Opposite tall
 Shout: To speak very loudly
 فرياد زدن
 Shrink: To make or become less in size, weight or value
 چروک شدن
 Sick: Suffering physically or mentally with a disease or other problem. Not in good health
 Sickness: The condition of being in bad health
 Sign: To write one's name. A mark or shape used to mean something. Evidence that something
 exists or will happen.
 امضاء کردن، نشانه
 Signal: To send a message by signs. An action or movement that sends a message
 سگنال، علامت دادن
 Silence: To make quiet. To stop from speaking or making noise. A lack of noise or sound
 سكوت، ساکت کردن
 Silver: A valued white metal
 Similar: Like something else but not exactly the same
 Sing: To make music sounds with the voice
 Single: One only
 Sink: To go down into water or other liquid
 فرو رفتن
 Sister: A female with the same father or mother as another person
 Situation: The way things are during a period of time
 Skeleton: All the bones of a human or other animal together in their normal positions
 Skill: The ability gained from training or experience
 Skin: The outer covering of humans and most animals
 Sky: The space above the earth
 Slave: A person owned or controlled by another
 Sleep: To rest the body and mind with the eyes closed
 Slide: To move smoothly over a surface
 سر خوردن
 Smash: To break or be broken into small pieces by force. To hit or move with force
 خرد کردن، در هم کوبيدن
 Smell: To sense through the nose. Something sensed by the nose
 Smooth: Having a level surface. Opposite rough
 Social: about people or a group
 Soft: Not hard. Easily shaped. Pleasing to touch. Not loud
 نرم، صاف، ملايم
 Soil: Earth in which plants grow
 Soldier: A person in the army
 Solid: Having a hard shape with no empty spaces inside. Strong. Not in the form of a liquid or gas
 Solve: To find an answer. To settle
 حل کردن
 Sort: Any group of people or things that are the same or are similar in some way. A kind of
 نوع، جور کردن
 Sound: Fast-moving waves of energy that affect the ear and result in hearing. That which is heard
 South: The direction to the right of a person facing the rising sun
 Space: The area outside the earth's atmosphere where the sun, moon, planets and stars are. The area
 between or inside things
 فضا، جا
 Speak: To talk. To say words with the mouth. To express one's thoughts to others and exchange
 ideas. To give a speech to a group
 صحبت کردن
 Special: Of a different or unusual kind. Not for general use. Better or more important than others of
 the same kind
 Speech: A talk given to a group of people
 Spend: To give as payment. To use
 مصرف کردن
 Spill: To cause or permit liquid to flow out, usually by accident
 Spirit: The part of a human that is not physical and is connected to thoughts and emotions.
 Split: To separate into two or more parts. To divide or break into parts
 جدا کردن
 Sport: Any game or activity of competition involving physical effort or skill
 Spread: To become longer or wider. To make or become widely known
 پخش شدن، بسط و توسعه دادن
 Spring: The time of the year between winter and summer
 Spy: To steal or get information secretly. One who watches others secretly.
 جاسوس، جاسوسي کردن
 Square: A flat shape having four equal sides
 Stab: To cut or push into or through with a pointed weapon
 خنجر زدن
 Stand: To move into or be in a position in which only the feet are on a surface. To be in one
 position or place
 Starve: To suffer or die from a lack of food
 گرسنگي کشيدن، از گرسنگي مردن
 State: To say. To declare. A political part of a nation
 بيان کردن، ايالت
 Station: A place of special work or purpose. A place where passengers get on or off trains or buses.
 Statue: A form of a human, animal or other creature usually made of stone, wood or metal
 Steal: To take without permission or paying
 Steam: The gas that comes from hot water
 Steel: Iron made harder and stronger by mixing it with other substances
 Step: To move by lifting one foot and placing it in a new position. The act of stepping. One of a
 series of actions designed to reach a goal
 Stick: To attach something to another thing using a substance that will hold them together.
 چسبيدن، الصاق کردن
 Stone: A small piece of rock
 Store: To keep or put away for future use. A place where people buy things
 ذخيره کردن، فروشگاه
 Storm: Violent weather, including strong winds and rain or snow
 Story: The telling or writing of an event, either real or imagined
 Stove: A heating device used for cooking
 Straight: Continuing in one direction without turns
 Strange: Unusual. Not normal. Not known
 Street: A road in a city, town or village
 Stretch: To extend for a distance. To pull on to make longer or wider
 کشيدن، امتداد دادن
 Strike: To hit with force. To stop work as a way to seek better conditions, more pay or to make
 other demands
 اعتصاب، ضربه زدن
 Strong: Having much power. Not easily broken, damaged or destroyed
 Structure: The way something is built, made or organized. A system that is formed or organized in
 a special way. A building
 ساختمان، ساختار
 Struggle: To try with much effort. To fight with. A great effort. A fight
 Stupid: Not able to learn much. Not intelligent
 Subject: The person or thing being discussed, studied or written about
 Submarine: An underwater ship
 Substance: The material of which something is made a solid, liquid or gas
 Substitute: To put or use in place of another. A person or thing put or used in place of another
 جانشين کردن
 Subversion: An attempt to weaken or destroy a political system or government, usually secretly
 Succeed: To reach a goal or thing desired. To produce a planned result
 موفق شدن
 Sudden: Not expected. Without warning. Done or carried out quickly or without preparation
 Suffer: To feel pain in the body or mind. To receive or experience hurt or sadness
 رنج بردن
 Suggest: To offer or propose something to think about or consider
 پيشنهاد کردن
 Summer: The warmest time of the year, between spring and autumn
 Supervise: To direct and observe the work of others
 نظارت کردن
 Supply: To give. To provide. The amount of something that can be given or sold to others
 موجودي، تامين کردن، عرضه کردن
 Support: To carry the weight of. To hold up or in position. To agree with others and help them
 reach a goal. To approve
 پشتيباني کردن، تائيد کردن
 Suppose: To believe, think or imagine, to expect
 تصور کردن
 Suppress: To put down or to keep down by force. To prevent information from being known
 خواباندن، موقوف کردن
 Surface: The outer side or top of something
 Surplus: An amount that is more than is needed. Extra.
 Surrender: To give control of oneself or one's property to another or others. To stop fighting and
 admit defeat
 تسليم شدن، واگذار کردن
 Surround: To form a circle around. To be in positions all around someone or something
 محاصره کردن
 Survive: To remain alive during or after a dangerous situation
 جان به در بردن
 Suspect: To imagine or believe that a person is guilty of something bad or illegal. A person
 believed to be guilty
 مظنون، مظنون بودن
 Suspend: To cause to stop for a period of time
 معلق کردن
 Swallow: To take into the stomach through the mouth
 قورت دادن
 Swear in: To put an official into office by having him or her promise to carry out the duties of that
 قسم دادن
 Sweet: Tasting pleasant, like sugar
 Swim: To move through water by making motions with the arms and legs
 شنا کردن
 Sympathy: A sharing of feelings or emotions with another person, usually feelings of sadness

حاصل جمع را بنویسید : بعلاوه

*حاصل جمع را بنویسید : بعلاوه

تعداد نمایش : ۱۱۸۵
تاریخ : 28 آذر 1390

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